How does Pyramid heal Patients ?
The experiences of meditating inside a Pyramid are remarkable.
A person meditating in a pyramid shows EEG
(Electroencephalogram) patterns akin to that seen in people doing
transcendental meditation.
People get a feeling of relaxation, clairvoyance, clairaudience
and tranquility.
If they sleep in a pyramid, their sleep will be deep and they
wake up refreshed; only few hours of sleep will give total relaxation.
If you read inside the pyramid, you can do it with greater
concentration and understanding.
Agricultural experts showed that plant growth is enhanced by the
electromagnetic phenomenon within the Pyramid.
Water placed in the pyramid has curative properties especially
for chronic skin disorders.
Pyramid can put a break to the ageing process, as demonstrated
in lower forms of life.
Women sleeping in pyramids get their periods regular and normal
and stop.
Pyramids accumulate several different types of energies like
negative ions, electromagnetic and cosmic vibrations.
Even grains of sand from certain places have positive
therapeutic effects due to their pyramidal shape.
USA has shown that growth rate of plants increase by 15% when
grown under pyramids.
The beneficial effects of pyramids have led to the construction
of pyramidal schools, recreation halls and warehouses.
The Soviets in their pyramid Research Department of Leningard
University are well ahead and have even instruments to measure pyramid power
and they are on the brink of some exciting discoveries like negative ion green
The Pyramids help to increase crop yield by 3 times
Pyramids correct faulty vision, deafness, increase longevity of
life, increase the 1Q of children and increase your vitality and sex drive.
It can cure mental ailments with minimal drugs, chronic
skin diseases like Psoriasis.
It can help to give painless labour to the pregnant women.
It is proving to be the answer for cancer which is very favourably
influenced even with minimum drugs.
It is the lasting cure for Bronchial Asthma, Eczema, and
other allergic conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis and similar collagen and autoimmune
It is probably most effective in Hypertension, Ischemic
heart diseases, and Degenerative diseases like Diabetic Osteoarthritis.
Certain environments are healthier than others and are
famous for their relaxing air and curative properties because of the high
concentration of negative ions there. Pyramids provide one such environment.
There are very many actions that negative ions have on our body:
(1) Reduce heart rate and B.P
(2) Increase vital capacity of lungs and the ciliary movement of
the lining ciliary epithelium.
(3) Improve the functions of the hormones producing glands.
4) Improve mental functions, concentration, emotional
equilibrium judgement, intelligence
5) Reverse the effects of the positive ions.
Great Pyramid was a gift by thousands of workers, engineers,
astronomers and architects. How had they lifted the huge square blocks to a
height of 480 feet above the sea level without using cranes or ramps is a
wonder. So perfectly they fixed one stone upon another that hardly could a
paper be inserted in between them.
Scientist discovered that there is a close relationship between
the external forces and the physical, chemical and biological changes, found
inside a pyramid.
When kept in a room, a small pyramid, through the energy accured
at the one third of it height, can purify the polluted air, kill germs and keep
the dwellers sound and healthy.
Similarly, a pyramid placed on the office desk begets energy,
dynamism and peace. In fact, the room is changed into a source of energy.
The NASA scientists in USA pointed out that the energy released
from a pyramid is more powerful than the solar energy.