Plato (who was a Classical Greek philosopher,
mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and
founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in
the Western world) recognized grids and their patterns, devising a theory that
the Earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shapes to more
complex ones. These shapes became known as platonic solids: cube (4),
tetrahedron (3), octahedron (8), dodecahedron (12), and icosahedrons (20).
In Timeaus, Plato associated each shape with one of the elements, Earth,
Fire, Air, Ether (the regions of Spacebeyond the Earth's
atmosphere), and Water. The Earth's energy grids, from the
beginnings of its evolutionary course, has evolved through each of these shapes
to what it is today. Each shape, superimposed, one upon the other to create a
kind of all encompassing energy field that is the very basis of Earth holding
it all together.
Earth (‘Prithvi’)
It has special
significance since life is possible on Earth only. There is a magnetic
attraction between North Pole and South Pole of Earth. The gravitation law of
Earth also affects both living and non-living substances. In India, Earth is
worshiped as Mother and is called as “Bhooma Devi”, that is why ‘Bhumi Poojan’
is performed first of all, while building a house or any construction if a plot
is chosen as per right direction, good background and level, and by keeping
internal & external atmosphere neat and clean and Earth element conducive
to you.
South-West corner of a
place called "Kubera Molai" and "Nairuti" is considered as
the related position of this ‘Panchabootam’. Excavations like sump, swimming
pools, water bodies, bore well, septic tank etc. are to be avoided to get the
blessings of Earth in the South-West corner.
Water (‘Jal’)
Water is rain, river
and sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). Water
forms part of every plant and animal. The habitat and physical life are only
where water is present. All the civilian cultures had developed on the bank of
a water body.
Water only makes the
life possible. May it be human being or plants, none can survive without water.
Three-fourths of Earth is water only. Water is a combination of hydrogen and
oxygen gas (a life giving gas). In water, an element called ‘Rasa’ (Taste)
resides, which flows a new energy to our life. Water placement should be in
right direction in home. We can make water element conducive or favorable to us
storing clear water in right direction in our premises.
The North-East corner
of a place called "Eshanya Molai" and "Eshan Kone" is
considered as the related position of this ‘Panchabootham’. Excavations like
sump, bore well and well are to be done in the North-East corner to get the
blessings of Water.
Fire (‘Agni’)
Fire represents light
and heat without which the life will be extinct. Fire makes our food, warms our
body. Fire can create as well destroy. Fire still continues inside the Earth
and sometimes explodes as Volcanoes. Sun is considered a Fireguard and emits
lot of heat energy. Fire also, like water, is significant. It is fire, which
cooks the food, and this food imparts life to human being. Fire gives us light
heat and energy. Sun is the main sources of energy, with the help or presence
of energy and light of Sun, plants prepare its food.
In India,there is a
special significance of fire in ‘Good Deeds’ (‘Shubh Karya’) may it be home,
admission (‘Graha Pravesh’) or any other religious function or pious reading,
fire element is there in one or other form. Therefore, there should be a right
and good combination in proper ratio, in our dwelling places. This element can
be made conducive by placing geyser, stove, mixie etc. (all electrical
appliances) in South-East direction of the kitchen.
South-East corner of a
place called "Agni Molai" and "Agni Kone" is considered as
the related position of this ‘Panchabootham’. Kitchen is the best form of
satisfying this ‘Panchabootham’, the Fire.
Air (‘Vayu’)
Air is a precious gift
given by nature. All living creatures get life through air only. Air is very
powerful life source as a life-supporting element. Pure air with oxygen is good
for brain and blood. Air deals with the entire body surface through skin, blood
system through respiration. Air represents the movement. A huge atmosphere
surrounds the Earth. This atmosphere contains many gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen,
Carbon di-oxide, Carbon mono-oxide etc., and particles of dust, soil, steam
which affect our life. The North-East direction of a building produces
ultra-violet and good omen rays. If rubbish is kept in this direction, it will
produce Carbon di-oxide and other poisonous gases polluting the good rays.
Therefore, inside and outside of a building there should be doors, windows, and
ventilations in right direction so that healthy air should enter the building
and polluted air exits.
Air represents the
movement. North-West corner of a place called "Vaayu Molai" and
"Vayu Kone" is considered as the related position of this
‘Panchabootham’. Excavations like septic tank, staircases, toilets/restrooms
and bathrooms are to be] built in the North-West corner to get the blessings of
Space (‘Aakash’)
All the above Five
Natural Elements are contained in the space. It is endless and infinite and
humankind has not fully explored it until date. Space, in which not only our
solar system but the entire galaxy also exists. Its effective forces are light,
heat, gravitational force and waves, magnetic field and others.
Space element is very
essential. It causes sound. This gift (sound) has made our life prosperous.
There is a assumption that if Earth, Fire and Air element have been made
conducive then Space element is turned conducive automatically or by itself.
Center of a place is
called "Brahma Sthanam" and is considered as the related position of
this ‘Panchabootham’. Excavations like water resources/bodies and heavy
structures like staircases are to be avoided to get the blessings of Space.
Open to Sky places in the Center of a place is good to gain the energy of
According to Vastu
Shastra, if the house is designed as per the Vastu Purusha Mandala, a perfectly
balanced environment which ensures enhanced health, wealth and happiness is
created. The Scientific Explanation: This is actually based on scientific
principles wherein, the Sun, the five basic elements (panchabhutaas), the
Earth’s magnetic field, Earth’s energy fields,and the eight directions are
manipulated to create an atmosphere beneficial to man. The Vastu pundits
figured out that, when the different rooms were placed according to the Vastu
Mandala created by them, good disposition to the Sun, proper ventilation and
lighting and privacy would be ensured in the building.
The Sun emits two
types of rays; Ultra-Violate and Infra-Red. These rays have various effects on
the human body and environment. This is one of the basic principal of the Vastu
Shastra. Because of the importance of sunlight to humans, the main aim of Vastu
Shastra is to ensure that the inmates of a house are inadvertently exposed to
the useful rays of sunlight, even if they are inside the house the whole day.
However, during a day, people perform different activities in different rooms
at different times and the Sun’s position keeps changing from sunrise to
sunset. So to ensure that the inmates are exposed to sunlight constantly, each
room should be positioned so that it faces the Sun at the time of the day when
it is most likely to be used.
The 24 hours of 1
solar day are divided into eight parts, which are associated with the eight
cardinal directions. In each of these eight periods, the Sun is positioned in
one of the cardinal directions. Therefore, the room which is most likely to be
used during that period is located in this direction. This is explained here:
‘Pooja’ Room or
meditation room in the North-East: The Reasoning –
The period between 3am
and 6am, just before sunrise is called ‘Brahma Muhurta’. At this time, the Sun
is in the North-Eastern part of the house. These hours are ideal for Yoga,
meditation, or study as it is very quiet and peaceful. Therefore, the
North-East corner is the best position for the ‘Pooja’ room or prayer/
meditation room.
doors/windows in the East: The Reasoning –
From 6am to 7.30am,
the Sun is in the eastern part of the house. This is the time for bathing and
preparing for the day, so East is a good location for a bathroom used for
bathing purposes only. In addition, there should be many openings and no obstructions
in the East so that the beneficial ultraviolet rays of the morning Sun will
engulf the house.
Kitchen in the
South-East: The Reasoning – The
time between 7.30am to 9am, when the Sun is in the South-East part of the
house, is the best time for preparing food to be eaten later in the day. The
Sun emits more ultra-violet rays in the morning hours than any other time of
the day, which have good effect on human body and the environment surrounding
him. These rays have tendency to kill bacteria. This is way the kitchen is
preferred in eastern side. It is also good to have morning rays fall on our eye
and which is why the kitchen platform should be oriented towards eastern side
so that while cooking food ultra-violet rays will enter the eyes. Therefore,
the kitchen can be located here, as the UV rays of the Sun will keep the
kitchen counter free from germs that spoil the food.
Bedroom, Office, Storeroom
in the South: The Reasoning –
The period between 9am
and noon is the time for work. The Sun is now in the South, and hence this is
the best position for an office and a bedroom. By noon, the intensity of the
heat is high and so the South is ideal for store rooms which need to be
moisture proof.
Master bedroom,
Wardrobes in the South-West: The Reasoning –
After lunch it is time
for rest, so the time between noon and 3 pm is called Vishranti, the resting
period. The Sun is now in the South-West section of the house and so it is the
ideal location for a Master bedroom and the wardrobes should be kept on the west
wall to reduce the heat.
Children’s bedroom,
study room, toilets in the West: The Reasoning –
The period between 3pm
and 6pm is the time for children to study. The Sun is in the West and this is
the best location for a children’s bedroom or study room. Since the West gets
very heated up, it is beneficial to have less used rooms like
restrooms/toilets, which serve as buffers to the heat.
Second bedroom, dining
room in the North-West: The Reasoning –
Generally, the time
between 6pm and 9pm, when the Sun is in the North-West part of the house, is
the time for eating, relaxing and sleeping. Therefore, this direction is good
for another bedroom and dining room.
Safe, Living room in
the North: The Reasoning –
The time between
midnight and 3 am, when the Sun is in the Northern section, is the time of
darkness and secrecy. The North is therefore the best place to hide valuables
and to keep them protected.
NO to Swimming Pool/
Water Bodies in South-West:
The Sun emits more
infra-red rays during evening hours which are harmful. Water bodies placed at
South-West corners are therefore, not desirable the reflected Infra-Red rays
from the water body in this direction enter the house and have adverse effect
on human body.